Do we really understand our journey?

Photo courtesy Asmar M. Bailey(@)2015

Photo courtesy Asmar M. Bailey(@)2015

This is something that I work with daily. I know this for sure. "

"A universal creative power always responds, and must respond, because it has no will or purpose of its own, but simply acts in accordance with the demand made upon it". What demands are you making of the universe? If we knew we could ask without impunity what would your focus be? 

“Live Happily...”

I heard this on the radio this morning 

“Live happily, die majestically”. It was being said in relation to the death of renowned Indian Yoga guru BKS Lyengar who had gone to cheat the octogenarians and leap into the nonagenarian sphere. How many of us will be able to say we live to be over 90? He died at age 96!

Of course it got me to thinking lots of things? Well if I knew that I would live to say even 90 would I be afraid of taking any risks. The world is spinning so fast and there is so much to see and do? Why stay in one place. The world is my oyster. Do I need cash to be wealthy or is it just my mindset? 

Do I need to sit in a job and keep on dreaming? Do I just try and see where the universe meets me?

We have to learn to let go and live our dreams.