Happy New Year

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The end of a month. The end of a year - 2016- the end of this journey. Some of us carried a lot of baggage on this leg of the journey. Weighed down with memories -some good, some not so good. Sometimes barely getting thru a month. But, we made it.
As we celebrate the life that God has given us, we are grateful for the lessons learned and growth attained. We bid farewell to December & look ahead with zest for a new month, a new year - and a new journey. We let go of error thinking, of negative influences & relationships & choose to commit to our oneness with God & the universe. Regardless of our ideologies or our cultures, our souls are on a journey and all our paths have crossed for a reason. We live in a world of infinite possibilities, love, life & all the good that a New Year brings. Choose to walk in the light, celebrate life & be positive. Know that the destination is to remember & declare,
“I AM!”
Remember always, that life is a journey, and journeys dont follow a straight & uneventful line. Each of our life’s journey is unknown & mysterious. You never know, despite best laid plans where your road will lead so learn to enjoy the journey & not focus on the destination.
So for 2017 I am putting in your basket, an abundance of good health, love, joy, financial blessing & positive light as you start your journey. My wish for each of you, is that you only stop to place more goodness in this basket.