Are You Ready To Give Up Complaining?

I recently started the 30 day no complaining exercise created by Sibyl Chavis (Her link is below). I can tell you, that one of the things we are really not aware of is how much we complain. Even with my daily practice of affirmation, prayers and spiritual treatments, I found that there were still remnants of little things I could let go of.  I mean, these small things that we are not aware, of adds up.

I have to admit, that there were times when I felt that I needed some duct tape over my mouth to stop me from calling people out. I listened to friends complaining about all manner of things and decided that I did not have to participate. I just listened. No 'oh wow' or anything, just listened. I didn't know I had those skills! LOL

Alas, I can report, that I am on day 15 and I am doing very well. I can now auto correct. I am now intuitive and I can hear when a complaint is coming on. The hard thing at the beginning was how to judge if I was genuinely expressing my opinion and not just complaining. It took practice and I can now see when it's not necessary to respond. 

So what's the point to all this?

Well here are the benefits of being complaint Free. Sibyl Chavis has done all the work just go to her website  sign up and download a FREE copy of her book "How to Stop Complaining & Start Living"

If you think you would like to join me, click on her link below. Try it, lets see how much you complaining you really do.. Drop me a line and let me know how you are doing at

"Benefits of Being Complaint Free

1.     Reduction of stress 

2.     Healthier

3.     Improved relationships with family, friends and everyone else around you

4.     Increased happiness

5.     Increased productivity

6.     Less moody

7.     You feel better about yourself

8.     You feel better about your loved ones, your co-workers, your job and just your life in general

9.     Less burdened

10.   Less negativity

11.   Increased optimism

12.   More relaxed

13.   Less argumentative

14.   More enjoyment out of life

15.   More successful

So, remember, all you have to do is be aware of the complaining trap. Another good tip I have for you is to aim for your "highest and best" perspective 3 times during the day.  

When a situation comes up that you would normally complain about or if someone does something that pushes your button, (even if you have every right to complain), think to yourself ... "What is the best way I can look at this situation so that I don't have to be distracted or weighed down by the things happening around me?" "How can I see it in a better light?" 

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