"One, One Coco Full Basket"


What on earth does that metaphor have to do with Internet Marketing I hear you say? But if you are a child of the Caribbean - in particular from the land of Bob Marley and Usain Bolt - none other than Jamaica, you will get my point. 

Jamaicans have a *proverb/metaphor" for EVERYTHING. In this case, I am reminded of this one in particular because of a recent incident. 

 I awoke at about 2 AM to hear "drip, drip, drip" not a sound you want to wake up to. In this case, I followed the noise and cautiously made my way to the bathroom, only to observe that the shower had been slowly dripping all night. Of course, I did not hear it earlier because of the usual day time noises and distractions. I turned the faucet tighter to secure it and returned to bed.

I woke again an hour or so later to that same "drip, drip, drip, now drippety drip, drip". 

Clearly, my tightening of the faucet earlier had not worked. It was obvious I had a problem. I wondered out loud how much water could I possibly be losing, 'It's only a drip, it can't be much' I pondered. I decided to test this out by going to the laundry room and returning with a bucket to place under the dripping shower head, determined to deal with this first thing in the morning.

When I woke up again, some hours later and went to the bathroom I was surprised, the bucket was almost full. The harmless "drip, drip, drip" was now at a significant level. It was more than half full. Immediately, the proverb jumped into my head "one one coco, full basket".   

You see, I have been doing internet marketing for almost a year, diligently following the steps. Some days, I felt great and others, I felt like I am not achieving anything. Although I have had small successes along the way, there were days when I was ready to throw the towel in and return to that trusted "2 weeks guaranteed salary".  

But that is not how it works, I have been making progress. Those small baby steps have been meaningful. I cannot see it because I am in the trenches daily working at perfecting my craft. I have learned so much (I knew nothing when I started about making money on the internet) but I can in fact do so much more now. I was scared, I was fearful, I was timid and I did not trust the process fully. Now here I am, waking up to the realization that I am making progress.


I am good at some things and getting better at others. Those small baby steps will show dividends just like this collected pool of water from a leaking faucet. If I had not placed the bucket under the drip I would not have know exactly how much water I was losing from this ostensibly harmless drip.  

"One, One Coco Full Basket" translates "one by one cocoa can full a basket". It means do not expect to achieve success overnight. Take your time, hone your craft, keep practicing and implementing and you will see results. 

Don't walk away from your investment, respect the process. Keep going your time will come to shine. Like the dripping water, the process is constant. If there are times you don't feel successful, step away, take a breather, you are getting it done.

I love this quote by Dan Millman: "Looking back, we see with great clarity, and what once appeared as difficulties now reveal themselves as blessings" 

If you want to learn more about Jamaican proverbs, you can find them here: www.onehandcantclap.co.uk. This company started by a friend of mine in the UK. She is devoted to providing exciting and empowering wisdom through her training and mentorship using these simple proverbs. She is a shining example of perseverance. She took what little she had, put them together and filled her basket. 


*Jamaican proverbs are metaphorical sayings normally based on a truth or on general experiences. Jamaican proverbs are imbued with African and European influences about day to day survival.